Responsible drinking is important.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Alcohol use is socially acceptable. In fact, drinking has become a routine part of many of our daily activities, including business luncheons, evening parties, and visiting with friends. Even occasional drunkenness is tolerated in many circles.
Therefore, being a responsible drinking is important to me because due to emotions seem to trigger drinking in many people. Sometimes, responsible drinking may relieve tension or anxiety but caution must be exercised. Alcohol as a drug can provide temporary relief from unpleasant feelings, but can also produce depression. Depression can lead to increasing use of alcohol and result in alcohol dependence, or alcoholism. It brings a lot negative effect to us if we over bused alcohol in our life. Besides, when people drink and drive, they are given a lethal
weapon to maim or kill themselves and others. While drinking is socially acceptable but driving is not. We need to save our life and the lives of others too. To make others to take the message seriously and effectively through digitally promoting alcohol responsibility since social media is important such as Facebook that provides an interactive way for consumers to test and improve their knowledge of alcohol. Raising awareness of responsible consumption can be implementing through programmes and partnerships with community stakeholders across the country. The message of the campaign is important, whatever choice is made by an individual, the key is to identify and address problem drinking before it brings harm to the drinker, to family and friends, and to the society generally.
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