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 Tuesday, November 17, 2009

1. I am officially broke up with Ivan.[25.07.2009-14.11.2009] It's only 3months plus so yay!
For those who really know what had happened, thanks for being concern. (you know who you're).Sorry for making you guys worried abt me as well.I'm doing fine now although everything is being so fucked up to me.

2. Skipped two days of classes.Assignment not done. Flunked my midterm.GREAT!

3. Went for movie 2012. rated 8/10.

4. 8hours of singing session was awesommeee. but I cried when I sang some of your fav songs.

5. Down with whole package of sickness. AND I still not recover yet. DANNNGGG!

6. Too much of alcohol these few days. I can't think of anything else I can do in order to let you go.

7. Wanted to have a lil escape from this town.but where and when?

8. Karning and Sam will be back in less than 24hours. I miss them!

9. I didnt eat anything up to now and I dont even feel hungry.


truly yours,


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